Hello, in this section you will find information about the language education of foreign children and their integration. You will also find useful tips how you can ensure their language development.  There are many non-profit organisations in the Czech Republic that offer help and services eg. counselling, Czech language courses, basic orientation in Czech Educational System and other services / please seek out the USEFUL LINKS section.


  • These children are included into group of students with special educational needs. (Seek out Czech school law § 16).
  • You can seek out school counselling services or EDUCATIONAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELLING FACILITY, eg. PEDAGOGICKO-PSYCHOLOGICKÁ PORADNA PRO PRAHU 1, 2 a 4, FRANCOUZSKÁ street 56, 101 00 Praha 10 (contacts: 267 997 011, poradna@ppppraha.cz, www.ppppraha.cz )
  • NEW in year 2017:  City of Prague has started a Czech language learning project for children with a different mother tongue. It is meant for all children without Czech language knowledge, not only foreigners and is free of charge. Designated school: ZŠ JIŽNÍ IV., PRAHA 4 –SPOŘILOV (contacts: 272763368, fax. 272761887, www. zsjizni.cz).